The SGRC of V V College of Engineering is dedicated to addressing and resolving complaints filed by students as needed. Students can submit their grievances related to academic and non-academic matters on campus through online/by post/suggestion box. The institution strives to resolve these grievances within a specified timeframe.

Composition of the SGRC:

S.No. Name Designation Position
1 Dr.P.Vanitha Principal Chairman
2 Dr.A.A.Mohamed Faizal Professor & Head/EEE Member & Coordinator
3 Mr.S.Simon Christopher AP/Mechanical Member
4 Ms.K.Shiny AP/Civil Member
5 Mrs.S.Princy AP/EEE Member
6 Mrs.T.Karthija AP/CSE Member
7 Dr.G.Suresh HOD/SH Member
8 Mrs.S.Karthika AP/ECE Member
9 Mr.J.Akhash Student Rep./II EEE Member


The objective of the SGRC is to cultivate a responsive and accountable attitude among all stakeholders, ensuring a harmonious educational environment within the institute.

A SGRC has been established to address issues brought forth by students of the College, with the following objectives:

  • • Ensuring a dignified atmosphere in the College by fostering a harmonious environment through promoting positive relationships between students and between students and teachers.
  • • Motivating students to express their grievances or problems freely and frankly, without fear of victimization.
  • • Maintaining a suggestion/complaint box in front of the Administrative Block and other vital places in the campus for students who wish to remain anonymous while submitting grievances or suggestions to improve the college’s academics and administration.
  • • Advising students to respect each other's rights and dignity and to show restraint and patience in situations of conflict.
  • • Advising students to refrain from inciting others against fellow students, teachers, or the college administration.
  • • Advising all staff to be kind to students and avoid vindictive behavior for any reason.
  • • To investigate the causes of grievances thoroughly.
  • • Providing effective solutions to grievances submitted by the stakeholders such as students, faculty, and parents.


The institute has established an online portal where any students experiencing grievances can submit an application to seek resolution.

  • • Upon receiving a complaint, the institution promptly forwards it to the SGRC, along with its comments, within 15 days of the complaint being submitted through the online portal/postal/suggestions box.
  • • Upon receiving the complaint, the SGRC schedules a hearing date for the complaint, which is promptly communicated to the aggrieved students. Cases are attended to promptly upon receipt of written grievances from the students.
  • • The SGRC will conduct a formal review of all cases and take appropriate action accordingly.
  • • The SGRC will provide a report to the authority regarding the cases addressed and the number of pending cases, if any, which necessitate direction and guidance from higher authorities.


The SGRC will not consider the following matters:

  • • The SGRC will not entertain complaints regarding decisions made by the Governing Council, Academic Council, or any other administrative or academic committees established by the Anna University.
  • • Decisions with regard to award of scholarship, fee concessions, medals, etc.
  • • Complaints related to decisions made by the University concerning disciplinary actions and misconduct will not be entertained by the Grievance Redressal Committee.
  • • The SGRC will not entertain complaints regarding decisions made by the University concerning admissions to any courses offered by the college.
  • • The Grievance Redressal Committee will not consider complaints regarding decisions made by the competent authority concerning assessment and examination results.

Guidelines for Filing a Complaint:

• They can submit their grievances through online or by dropping them in designated boxes or by an electronic mail/post.

• The SGRC will take action on cases that have been forwarded along with the required documentation.

• The SGRC will ensure that grievances are effectively resolved within the specified time limit set by the committee.

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