The department is well equipped with sophisticated equipment and the students are trained to handle them with confidence, so that they can compete with the recent trends in the industry. All laboratories are modernized and varieties of trainer kits are provided in all the laboratories to conduct experiments. Well-qualified and experienced instructors train the students. The major laboratories are:
Circuits and Devices Lab is the primary Lab. Students learn experimentally the basics of electronic circuits & devices. Students are trained on analysis of passive, active elements and to find the characteristics of various amplifiers, oscillators under different configurations. In devices lab all the device characteristics are studied. In circuits lab, the basic circuits for amplifiers and oscillator are designed, fabricated and tested. The lab is equipped with Electronic workbenches, B2SPICE software for simulation. The lab has function generators with various ranges of frequencies, regulated power supplies and trainer kits to enable students to perform all experiments in analog and digital electronics.
The Digital System Lab is to impart extensive knowledge on basic gates, flip flops, different combinational and sequential circuits. It is one of the well-equipped laboratories. In this laboratory students gain practical knowledge in various areas such as Signal Processing, Image Processing, Control System etc., Students understand various concepts in signal processing by simulation in MATLAB and implementation in TMS320C5X DSP Processors. The other important equipment include Signal Generators, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, analog and digital IC trainer kits.
Communication Laboratory is dedicated to modern communication systems for enlightening the students knowledge in-depth for the field of communication. This laboratory focuses on training the students in both analog and digital transmission/reception of signals. This lab is sophisticated with several trainer kits like amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, phase modulation and various digital communication techniques. This lab allows the students to understand various waveform coding schemes, base band transmission scheme, bandpass signalling schemes and error control coding schemes.
The fabled use of Microprocessor and Microcontroller in the field of Engineering is significant. Microprocessor lab is well equipped with 8085, 8086 microprocessor kits, 8051 microcontroller kit along with their peripheral devices like 8255,8259,8253,8251. Interfacing of peripheral modules like ADC, DAC, stepper motor and traffic controller are performed to demonstrate the detailed applications of microprocessors. MASM software is also available in this lab to perform 8051 experiments. In this lab course the students will come out with good ideas in writing ALP Programs in Microprocessors and Microcontroller.
It is obligatory for an Electronics and Communication Engineer to have practical experience in the linear and non-linear applications of Op- Amps, sequential and combinational circuits using Digital ICs. This Laboratory is equipped with advanced IC trainer kits, Op – amp trainer kits to expose the students to the design and analyse linear and digital circuits. All analog and digital IC related experiments can be carried out. The testers for IC are also available.
This Laboratory has been setup in collaboration with the CoreEL Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd to facilitate students in designing Standard Cells, High Level HDL Design, architecture and Synthesis of VLSI Circuits and Verification of VLSI Designs. This Laboratory is well equipped with software tools like XILINX ISE 13.3, EDK system generators, Mentor graphics HEP Category IC Design/ Custom IC Design tool, Mentor graphics HEP Category Design and Verification Test tool for physical verification.
Microwave and Optical laboratory is equipped with all the latest components in RF and optical field and also offers opportunity for the students to acquire practical knowledge in these areas. This laboratory is well equipped with RF components like Klystron Power Supply, Gunn Oscillator, PIN Modulator, Isolator, Attenuator, Frequency Meter etc. and Optical components like Optical Power Source, Fiber Optic Power Meter, Fiber Optic Trainer Kit, Laser Trainer Kit etc. Upon completion of this lab course, the students will be able to get knowledge in microwave devices and can analyse the multiport RF networks and microwave signals.
This Laboratory is highly sophisticated by the occupation of new HP systems with fully air-conditioned facility which are utilized by the PG students for exploring their ideas in Internal Projects. PSPICE Software Package, Microprocessor/ Microcontroller based system design kit, DSP based system design kit and other passive and active devices enable the students to do project in emerging areas. PIC microcontroller development board, TMS 320C6713 DSP starter kit with code composer studio, ARM7 LPC2148 -16 bit processor, CYCLONE II FPGA board and various interface cards expose the students to real time field study. This laboratory allows the students to learn the working principle of ARM processors and to implement its application in real time systems. In this lab course, students can formulate innovative projects using the available equipment.
V V College of Engineering has set up Robotics lab in association with e-Yantra- IIT bombay in order to train students in the field of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. The goal of this lab is to educate the undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of robotics so they will get a technically advanced platform. The lab is equipped with Fire Bird V, Spark V Robot, Zigbee Modules, Raspberry-Pi, AVR STUDIO-4 IDE & AVR boot loader and Two axis Camera Pod with Wireless Camera with all required auxiliary equipments.
The objective of our research lab is to explore the theoretical knowledge gained from and beyond academic. Falling in these lines, our research lab provides space for prompting research in various fields like Computer Vision, Image and video processing, VLSI, Deep learning,Nano Technology and . The vision of the lab is to keep the right balance between academic research and industrial innovation.